Planning for the future of our church and community buildings

We have big plans for the future of our buildings:

In order to achieve these we need to show that there is a clear and genuine need for ther work, particularly to the community centre. we are asking ervyone who uses our facilities to complete the survey that you can find via the QR code to the right.

Planning for the future of our worshipping community

During early 2019, we spent a few months thinking and praying about what we thought God had for us next. The whole church - all ages, congregations and abilities - took part as we gathered ideas on post-it notes, and the PCC and others then prayed, thought about and discussed these in order to bring them together in a plan.

In 2019, St Mark's launched a road map to develop keys areas of church life over the following five years. Our ideas covered five main areas: Community outreach, Community inreach, Worship, Premises and Governance. You can see the full church development plan by clicking here.

In 2020 some of our projects were paused while we grappled with COVID-19 lockdowns, new technology and the immediate needs of our church community and parish.

Rather than continuing with our main plan during the last few years of turbulence, we identified some priorities in order to keep moving forward despite the curtailments and complexities that the pandemic brought. 

We looked at the plans we were able to bring to fruition, and those that we weren't; we looked too at the way that our community is changing. 

Follow this link for the Church Development Plan Priorities - 2023

This short video explains the priorities a bit more: